Caresyntax Podcast

Joe Mullings: Digital Health in Medtech and Challenges Ahead

In our ever-evolving surgical landscape, particularly as it pertains to surgical robotics, the push for digital is growing.

In an engaging podcast with Joe Mullings talks with Bjoern von Siemens, Founder of Caresyntax GMBH, Eyal Zimlichman, MD, Chief Transformation Officer and Chief Innovation Officer at Global Patient Services at Sheba Medical Center-Tel Hashomer, and Bruce Ramshaw, CEO of CQInsights PBC about this push and the collaborative path that may alleviate some of the strain for digital.

Key Highlights Discussed: 

  • The challenges faced by traditional medical technology companies (OEMs) in transitioning to a digitally native environment, especially in the field of surgical robotics and digital solutions.
  • Successful players like Intuitive Surgical and Oris were born as digital natives, enabling high adoption and utilization in the digital realm, while other major strategics are trying to adapt culturally.
  • The need for collaboration between traditional medical device companies and newer data-focused companies to harness the benefits of digital enablement.

Join us on this transformative discussion  and discover how the fusion of technology and healthcare can lead to a brighter, healthier future.